“A collection of work brought on from the rawness of the start of the year that became a journey through stillness that drifted into discovery and continued through to re-awakening. A three part series  where I unveil the female form unravelling her own suspended moment in time. She is vulnerable and fragile but also strong and confident. “




She sits quietly in the midst of the stagnant chaos .
Quietly watching; anxious and afraid.

She curls up in darkness, as it cloaks her within its wings;
Keeping her sheltered from reality.

Camouflaged in a cloud of uncertainty.
Drowning in the depth of her own chaotic mind .



It was when her eyes were closed that she stared into her brightness
In those quiet moments, she grasped the intensity of her realisation

This wildflower - swayed her soul with the gentle breeze
Moving with the soft touch it brought to her skin;

And within the open fields of her soul - she grew.



Brave woman.
Your scars should be worn without shame in its seams.

Light up the night with your brightness;
Shine on the shoreline of your imaginary ocean of dreams

Brave woman.
Open your eyes and see.

Tread in the depths of your midnight blue waters

Use your greatest power - then float and be free.